Bigelow Homes Blog

Quick Guide: Saving for a New Home

Are you thinking about purchasing a new home but not sure if you'll be able to afford the down payment?

We've got some quick tips to help you start saving now!

  • Check both your own and your partner's credit score. Apps like Credit Karma make this easy and give you tips to improve.
  • Figure out what type of loan you qualify for. Visit a few lenders and get their advice on what you will need to purchase a new home.
  • Skip purchasing your morning (or afternoon) coffee and meals out. Instead try preparing them at home or at the office. Place the money you would have spent in a savings account. You'll be surprised how fast it adds up.
  • Use an app like Qapital. It will connect to your bank account and allow you to set various rules such as the Round - Up Rule which will save the change every time you swipe your card, or the 52 Week Rule which will save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, and so on. All of these are done automatically so you don't even have to think about it. Yay!
  • Are you crafty? Sell your unique creations on sites like Etsy or Facebook Marketplace and save your profits!
  • Align with friends who are working toward the same goal. Share tips and encourage each other. The journey's always better when you have someone else in the car with you!
  • While it may seem out of reach, once you set your mind on a goal you'd be amazed at what you can accomplish. Just keep picturing your family in your dream home!

If you're in Chicagoland check out our coming soon community here CELEBRATION!

By Bigelow Homes 5-22-2018

5 Ways Renting Affects Your Quality of Life

#1. Dirt and Germs.
While most apartments do their best to clean between tenants, there are always those cracks and crevices you just cant get the grime from previous tenants out of. Many complexes also have carpet in one or more rooms which is capable of harboring mold, allergens, and bacteria including Norovirus, Salmonella, and E.Coli. Yuck! Who knows who has lived there before you?

#2. Ever Increasing Rent.
Unless you're confident you'll be able to live in the same apartment for 2+ years, odds are you've signed a one year lease. This means every year you will either have to move or pay more a month in rent. Sometimes as much as 15% of your previous rate! Higher rent can put a serious dent in any budget.

#3. It's Not Really "Yours".
It can be a challenge to find an apartment that is both affordable and your "style". Most apartments don't allow you to make any significant changes to the design. It's hard to enjoy your home when you really can't make it "yours". The ability to choose your flooring, counter tops, appliances, and even paint color can really make the difference when it comes to being comfortable and happy where you live.

#4. The Stairs.
Unless you're lucky enough to have an apartment with an elevator or get one on the ground floor (which also has its downfalls; lack of natural light!), you're stuck climbing one or more flights of stairs with whatever you bring home from the store. While it can be a good workout, carrying bags of groceries up three flights of stairs every week isn't most people's idea of fun. Especially if it's raining!

#5. Parking.
Most apartments do not have assigned spots and parking is first come first serve. That means you could end up parking a long distance from your front door on any given day. It may be nice to take a stroll on a beautiful summer day, but in a storm or in the winter it's a whole other story!

Renting can be a great temporary solution, but if all of these things are affecting your quality of life, it may be time to consider purchasing your own brand new home.

Get information about new homes coming soon to Chicagoland! CELEBRATION

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By Bigelow Homes 5-18-2018